Polski Zwiazek Producentów Kontenerów, 84-300 Lebork, ul. Wilenska 26
tel./fax +48 59 863 43 55, e-mail: zwiazek@pzpk.pl
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Polish Union of Container Producers was formed in 2005 as a voluntary organisation of commercial entities engaged in the same business specialisation and of entities with activities closely associated with that business specialisation.

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The reactivation of the Polish Union of Container Producers took place on the 10th of March 2005 after a lapse of several years. A founding group, consisting of 15 firms was established at Leba:
  • AMG Lebork
  • ATOL Slupsk
  • ARKADA Ploty
  • GCB DOMSTAL Miastko
  • KONMET Zlotów
  • KONSTAL Rogozno Wlkp.
  • ROSKO Slupca
  • SEEMANN Kobylnica
  • STAL-SYSTEM Grudziadz
  • STEELCON Warblewo
  • ZENTEX Kalisz
  • ZNMR Okonek
The first 3 person Executive Committee was elected for a 3 year term of office and the registered office of the Union and the extent of its activity was established. The Statute of the Union was drawn up together with the Code of Practice to be found in the following pages.

The principle objectives of the union are:

  • reduction of members' production costs by joint materials supply sourcing and other means
  • partial product unification
  • specialist cooperation
  • joint utilisation of banking systems to support enterprise
  • maximum cooperative use of production capability without impairing mutual competition
  • reduction of promotion costs and more effective marketing
  • introduction of mutual information sharing for individual use in technical investment, building, renovation on rationalisation of transport use
In spite of the short period of activity, for there were only active 9 months in 2005, the majority of these objectives have been already partially achieved, which has given the majority of the members of the Union substantial benefits.

In 2005, 5 conference meetings were organised, at which various problems affecting the businesses of members were discussed and decisions were taken and solutions found for several matters. The next members were admitted to the Union and currently the Union has a membership of 20 firms with 8 candidates waiting for admission to the organisation. The members of the Union are Polish producers, firms with foreign capital, and currently 2 foreign firms conducting business in Poland.

The principles of accepting new members are specified in the Statute, where the principal requirement is recommendation by at least one of the existing members of the Union.

Additionally several firms (mainly steel suppliers), which were invited to cooperate participated in conferences. The Executive Committee signed suitable contractual agreements for permanent cooperation with most of them, mainly in the area of priority of supply, also in the scope of banking services or technical services, e.g. welding.

The Polish Union of Container Producers has a Members' Arbitration Court, apart from the other statutory organs specified in the Statute, which is described in the following pages. The programme of activities for a particular period is proposed by the Executive Committee, but activities are principally decided by the General Meetings, which take place in approximately 3 monthly cycles at places chosen for such organised meetings. The main directions for further action and objectives to be achieved in 2006 shall be decided at the first General Meeting of the Polish Union of Container Producers in 2006, on the 9th of February 2006.

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